[PATCH] Add abort for fsl-devices which lack an RSTCR register.

Clemens Koller clemens.koller at anagramm.de
Tue Dec 4 07:51:40 EST 2007

This adds a fallback and calls abort() (in head_fsl_booke.S) to be able
to successfully reset some older freescale devices (i.e. mpc8540)
which don't have a RSTCR register.

Robert, this should also fix your issues. Please test.

Kumar, please ACK/NACK the patch since you touched fsl_rstcr_restart()
last time (2007-10-04). Maybe the call to abort (which resets the processor via
the Debug Control Register 0) could be put somewhere else or
we create another entry for the device tree.

Otherwise, I would prefer to check the PVR/SVR registers and use
a suitable cpu_reset() call which fits to the current cpu.

Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
Rupert-Mayer-Straße 45/1
Linhof Werksgelände
D-81379 München
Fax 089-741518-19
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