mpc5200 and spi bus

Txema Lopez tlopez at
Fri Apr 27 22:41:44 EST 2007

Asier Llano Palacios wrote:

>I'm working with the a linux with patches from Sylvain's tree.
>I've been looking the Den'x 2.5.xx SPI support and it seems that it is
>done through GPIOs. 
¿2.5.xx?. I talked about a 2.4.xx version.

>I'd like a native SPI implementation, using the
>hardware of the MPC5200, because of the performance issue of using a
>GPIO, because I'd like to use it at full speed.
>Is it done really with GPIOs? If so, is there any other implementation?
Yes, you can use the MPC5200's dedicated SPI (spi-algo-mpc5xxx.c) or use 
a PSC in SPI codec mode (spi-algo-mpc5xxx-psc.c).

>If it is possible I'd like it to be for 2.6.x.
I don't know nothing about the MPC5200 SPI implementation in the 2.6.x 

Best regards,

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