MPC8544 Watchdog Timer

Kumar Gala galak at
Fri Apr 27 00:35:28 EST 2007

On Apr 26, 2007, at 3:43 AM, vinay hegde wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working with Freescale MPC8544E board. I need an
> information related to the functionality of hardware
> watchdog provided by MPC8544 processor.
> Here is the question:
> On watchdog timeout, whether the CPU can reset itself
> _or_ does it assert a hardware HRESET_REQ signal to
> some external hardware requesting for reset?
> Please let me know the inputs.

This a question best asked to Freescale support. However, I believe  
the processor will end up asserting HRESET_REQ and expects external  
board logic to reset things.

The processor core will reset itself as part of this process.

- k

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