Lite5200 NFS mount issue

Edward Jubenville edjubenville at
Fri Sep 22 02:43:50 EST 2006

Tord Andersson wrote:
> When analyzing the IP traffic with Etherreal, it was seen that
> the problems were caused by loss of fragmented IP-packets. When
> the IP fragmentation was removed by forcing NFS's UDP size to
> less than the Ethernet MTU size, the problems disappeared.
> We used the kernel NFS argument option to this effect;
> 	nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath},rsize=1024,wsize=1024

You may not be having a board problem or a kernel problem.  I had exactly
the same problem with an almost identical configuration as you.  Using
Etherreal at various points in my network, I found that an Ethernet switch
in the communication path was dropping packets before the board ever saw
them.  I solved it the same way that you did (with rsize/wsize), and it has
worked fine ever since.

See my post on 7/26/2006, subject "Re: Slow boot with NFS, server not

Ed Jubenville

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