Memec v4fx12lc - problem booting linux on ppc

Olivier Goudard goudard at
Tue Nov 21 20:44:58 EST 2006

Yoshio San,

thank you for your reply. We tried what you suggest. Here is the output
from xmd :

XMD% dow zImage.embedded
        section, .text: 0x00400000-0x004048b0
        section, .data: 0x00405000-0x004af000
        section, .bss: 0x004af000-0x004b21e4
Downloaded Program zImage.embedded
Setting PC with program start addr = 0x00400000
PC reset to 0x00400000, Clearing MSR Register
XMD% run
PC reset to 0x00400000, Clearing MSR Register
Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor
Processor stopped at PC: 0x00401180

XMD% run
PC reset to 0x00400000, Clearing MSR Register
Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor
Processor stopped at PC: 0x00401a18

XMD% run
PC reset to 0x00400000, Clearing MSR Register
Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor
Processor stopped at PC: 0x00401180

XMD% run
PC reset to 0x00400000, Clearing MSR Register
Processor started. Type "stop" to stop processor
Processor stopped at PC: 0x00401a10

The two address where the processor stops correspond to this assembler
code :

c0001100 <DTLBMiss>:
c0001100:       7e 90 43 a6     mtsprg  0,r20
c0001104:       7e b1 43 a6     mtsprg  1,r21
c0001108:       7e d4 43 a6     mtsprg4 r22
c000110c:       7e f5 43 a6     mtsprg5 r23
c0001110:       7e a0 00 26     mfcr    r21
c0001114:       7e d1 ea a6     mfpid   r22
c0001118:       7e b7 43 a6     mtsprg7 r21
c000111c:       7e d6 43 a6     mtsprg6 r22
c0001120:       7e 95 f2 a6     mfdear  r20
c0001124:       76 95 80 00     andis.  r21,r20,32768
c0001128:       41 82 00 18     beq-    c0001140 <DTLBMiss+0x40>
c000112c:       3e a0 c0 14     lis     r21,-16364
c0001130:       62 b5 d0 00     ori     r21,r21,53248
c0001134:       3a e0 00 00     li      r23,0
c0001138:       7e f1 eb a6     mtpid   r23
c000113c:       48 00 00 0c     b       c0001148 <DTLBMiss+0x48>
c0001140:       7e b3 42 a6     mfsprg  r21,3
c0001144:       82 b5 00 0c     lwz     r21,12(r21)
c0001148:       3e b5 40 00     addis   r21,r21,16384
c000114c:       52 95 65 3a     rlwimi  r21,r20,12,20,29
c0001150:       82 b5 00 00     lwz     r21,0(r21)
c0001154:       56 b6 00 27     rlwinm. r22,r21,0,0,19
c0001158:       41 82 00 2c     beq-    c0001184 <DTLBMiss+0x84>
c000115c:       3e d6 40 00     addis   r22,r22,16384
c0001160:       52 96 b5 3a     rlwimi  r22,r20,22,20,29
c0001164:       82 b6 00 00     lwz     r21,0(r22)
c0001168:       72 b7 00 02     andi.   r23,r21,2
c000116c:       41 82 00 18     beq-    c0001184 <DTLBMiss+0x84>
c0001170:       62 b5 04 00     ori     r21,r21,1024
c0001174:       92 b6 00 00     stw     r21,0(r22)
c0001178:       3a c0 0c e2     li      r22,3298
c000117c:       7e b5 b0 78     andc    r21,r21,r22
c0001180:       48 00 0f e4     b       c0002164 <finish_tlb_load>
c0001184:       7e d6 42 a6     mfspr   r22,278
c0001188:       7e b7 42 a6     mfspr   r21,279
c000118c:       7e d1 eb a6     mtpid   r22
c0001190:       7e af f1 20     mtcr    r21
c0001194:       7e f5 42 a6     mfspr   r23,277
c0001198:       7e d4 42 a6     mfspr   r22,276
c000119c:       7e b1 42 a6     mfsprg  r21,1
c00011a0:       7e 90 42 a6     mfsprg  r20,0
c00011a4:       4b ff f6 5c     b       c0000800 <DataAccess>

and this :

c0001a00 <Trap_1A>:
c0001a00:       7e 90 43 a6     mtsprg  0,r20
c0001a04:       7e b1 43 a6     mtsprg  1,r21
c0001a08:       7e 80 00 26     mfcr    r20
c0001a0c:       7e b2 42 a6     mfsprg  r21,2
c0001a10:       2c 15 00 00     cmpwi   r21,0
c0001a14:       40 82 00 0c     bne-    c0001a20 <Trap_1A+0x20>
c0001a18:       3e a1 40 00     addis   r21,r1,16384
c0001a1c:       3a b5 ff 40     addi    r21,r21,-192
c0001a20:       92 95 00 a8     stw     r20,168(r21)
c0001a24:       92 d5 00 68     stw     r22,104(r21)
c0001a28:       92 f5 00 6c     stw     r23,108(r21)
c0001a2c:       7e 90 42 a6     mfsprg  r20,0
c0001a30:       92 95 00 60     stw     r20,96(r21)
c0001a34:       7e d1 42 a6     mfsprg  r22,1
c0001a38:       92 d5 00 64     stw     r22,100(r21)
c0001a3c:       7e 88 02 a6     mflr    r20
c0001a40:       92 95 00 a0     stw     r20,160(r21)
c0001a44:       7e c9 02 a6     mfctr   r22
c0001a48:       92 d5 00 9c     stw     r22,156(r21)
c0001a4c:       7e 81 02 a6     mfxer   r20
c0001a50:       92 95 00 a4     stw     r20,164(r21)
c0001a54:       7e da 02 a6     mfsrr0  r22
c0001a58:       3e 80 00 04     lis     r20,4
c0001a5c:       7e fb 02 a6     mfsrr1  r23

Unfortunately we are not linux kernel experts so we do not know what
these two routines correspond to. Do you are anyone have an idea. It
looks like the linux kernel is stopping almost immediately i.e. before
trying to do anything visible on the screen.

Has anyone seen similar behaviour ? We are stuck with this board and
before we abandon the project (or change boards) we would like to make a
final attempt.

Thanks for any help again


> Olivier San,
> The address of each device driver of LSP of MontaVista Linux and the
> address of each IP of the generated circuit match?
> Although your detailed environment is not known, the general way of
> investigating is as follows.
> Check where the processor was stopped by the stop command and the
> processor has stopped after runing from xmd.
> If compared with stopped address and the address of or
> disassembling list of vmlinux, it should be able to be decided by
> which processing it has hangs.
> Disassembling of vmlinux can be displayed by powerpc-linux-objdump -D 
> vmlinux.
> Best Regards,
> Yoshio Kashiwagi - Nissin Systems
> > Hi,
> > 
> > we have a v4fx12lc fpga board from memec which we are trying to get
> > Linux to boot on the ppc processor. We have generated a linux kernel 
> for
> > nfs using the MontaVista support package. We generate a bitfile with 
> the
> > following hardware peripherals in it :
> > 
> > RS232
> > Ethernet_MAC
> > Led_4bit
> > Push_buttons_3bits
> > DIP_switches_8bit
> > OPB_INTC_0
> > 
> > When we download the linux image with xmd we see nothing on the screen.
> > When we type "run" nothing appears on the screen and Linux does not
> > boot.
> > 
> > Has anyone had a similar problem ? We are stuck! Any ideas would be
> > appreciated.
> > 
> > We can boot a linux ramdisk kernel provided by Memec on the same board
> > using their bitfile. So the board seems to be working in general.
> > 
> > Thansk for any pointers and excuse us if we are posting to the wrong
> > list (this is the only list we could find which seemed useful) ! 
> > 
> > Olivier Goudard

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