minor progress with plb_temac v3.00a, EDK 8.2, &

rimas rimas at cnmat.berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 10 12:55:25 EST 2006

i had problems getting the plb_temac driver to work at speeds higher  
than 10 mbps until i modified the adapter.c
file to have the correct PHY address for my setup (i am using the  
avnet V4FX12 mini-module board and the correct value was 4).
the phy address is usually determined by pullup/pulldowns on certain  
pins on the gig phy chip.

this was under 2.4, but i looked at the adapter.c for the 2.6  
xilinx_temac driver and it appears to just set this value to 0

look at line 2905 of adapter.c:

	/* Assume the PHY to be at address 0x00 */
	lp->gmii_addr = 0;

you should change that to reflect the address of your hardware setup.

hope this helps


> Pradeep;
> I found the process of "uprading" the xapp902 reference design to  
> be troublesome when I removed the GMII loop-back; as
> such, I aborted the process and just started from scratch.
> I am currently debugging my design and have a functional plb_temac  
> but only at 10Mbps speeds.
> -R. Corley

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