MPC8540 experience

Clemens Koller clemens.koller at
Tue May 9 19:41:17 EST 2006

Hello, Mark!

Sorry, for my late reply, I wasn't reading the mailing lists for a while
because I am pretty busy with hardware development.

> Hallo Herr Koller,
> ich habe heute ihre EMail 
> ( 
> gelesen. Hatten sie bereits Erfolg?
> Ich habe ein ähnliches Problem. Wir beutzen bei uns ebenfalls einen PPC und 
> haben das Problem mit Big und Littel-Endian im XServer.

English, please.

You are looking for the SM501 graphics controller working on the PCI Bus
on the MPC8540 as far as I got your mail.

Yes, the last status I got is that the endianess is an issue for the X-server
if the SM501 is on PCI. However there are patches for the framebuffer/X
driver environment which takes care about the RGBA's somewhere out there.
There are also accelerated native X drivers available but I haven't used
those. Additionally, we have the option to swap the colors in hardware,
just in case anything goes wrong. :-)

> Have you seen the work done at Denx ( with the MPC5200 and 
> SM501?

Yes. But AFAIK they have the SM501 on the Local Bus of the MPC5200 which
is a different thing. Check their hardware documentation, if available.

Maybe there are more updates in the meanwhile... Updates are very welcome.
I will have to investigate that further if I come back to the software
layer of my project.

Best greets,

Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
Rupert-Mayer-Str. 45/1
81379 Muenchen
Phone: +49-89-741518-50
Fax: +49-89-741518-19

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