Calling PCI Autoconfig again

Kumar Gala galak at
Wed Mar 8 03:59:50 EST 2006

On Mar 7, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Mark Chambers wrote:

>> I'm dealing with this exact same situation and having a discussion  
>> on  lkml regarding the proper way to do this.  In your case, do  
>> you care  what addresses the FPGA is assigned at?
> Why does the PCI device have to have a fixed address?   And how do
> you load an FPGA from user space - mmap?

In my case it does because we have other devices (DSPs) that are hard  
coded to know where in PCI address space the FPGA is.

As for how does one load it.  We have GPIO pins connected to the FPGA  
and load it from a file in user space with a kernel driver  
implementing the bit "protocol" over GPIO.

- kumar

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