Xilinx SystemACE driver for 2.6

Ming Liu eemingliu at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 1 02:12:01 EST 2006

Hi friend,
I have tried your patch for SystemACE. Unfortunately, it looks that I got 
some problem. I applied the patch and compile the kernel. There are some 
XPAR_... parameters defination missing. So I include the xpamameters header 
file( I use the xparameters_ml300 which was generated by EDK and rename it 
as xparameters_ml403.). Then I compiled out the kernel and change it into 
.ace file. When I want to boot the kernel from SystemACE, there is no 
information to say that the linux is booting. So I think the problem is 
still on the driver of SystemACE. My linux version is 2.6.16-rc5. And I 
applied the Xilinx Temac patch in it. So could you please give me some 
detailed guidance on how to successfully apply the driver for SystemACE? 
Thanks a lot in advance.


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