
Clemens Koller clemens.koller at
Sat Dec 2 02:50:37 EST 2006

Hello, Lee!

Lee Revell schrieb:
> I've been trying to cross compile Perl for a PPC440 board and it just
> isn't happening.  Perl is probably the least amenable application to
> cross compiling I've found.
> I tried the instructions in the Cross/ directory of the Perl distro but
> they don't work - "sh Configure" fails on my target because it expects a
> full C development environment, which won't fit.
> Is there any easy solution?  Can someone send me a binary?

I don't know much about the ppc440 and it's core. But maybe you
can use mine?!
I am using perl successfully on a MPC8540 CPU which has an e500
core w/o an FPU. I don't need to cross compile and it comes with
only the necessary dependencies:

$ prt-get deptree perl
-- dependencies ([i] = installed, '-->' = seen before)
[i] perl
[i]   db
[i]   gdbm

all that on top of glibc-2.3.4
If you want to try those three tar.gz's please contact me off list
and I can send it to you.
It's also possible to recompile that stuff to a different ppc target...


Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
Rupert-Mayer-Str. 45/1
81379 Muenchen
Phone: +49-89-741518-50
Fax: +49-89-741518-19

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