SM501 Frame Buffer driver on PPC

Absolut Hunter absoluthunter at
Thu Nov 3 12:40:16 EST 2005


I am attempting to bring up a SM501 frame buffer driver on our PPC MPC8280
board. Using the Denx Kernel 2.4.25 I see that most of this is already
included in the kernel.

However a few questions:

The TQM5200 Board uses this driver, but I am gathering this is a PCI based
video setup?; Our board uses a local bus memory interface. I.e. we have
setup the SM501 to be in the SH-3/4 Slave mode. 

We have dedicated 32Megs of Video memory to be local only to the SM501, and
mapped it to 0xF8000000 on /CS6, placing the registers at 0xFBE00000

Anyway, I have the UPMA machine setup to communicate with the SM501 and have
verified basic communication with registers, etc.. When using Linux the
kernel Oops's when register_framebuffer is called. I have setup the
voyager.h file to use the correct addresses.

Has anyone used the SM501 driver with this type of NON-Unified memory
architecture? I am guessing this can be confusing to the driver since the
frame buffer registers inside the SM501 need to be using offset ZERO instead
of the 0xF8000000 like the MPC8280 sees.


-Russell McGuire

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