[PATCH 2.6.12] ppc32: Fix Sandpoint Soft Reboot
Mark A. Greer
mgreer at mvista.com
Thu Mar 24 08:17:56 EST 2005
ppc32: Fix Sandpoint Soft Reboot
This patch allows the Freescale Sandpoint to perform soft reboots. A
write of 0x00 to the Winbond's Chip Select Control Register was clearing
the Upper BIOS Chip Select Enable bit which unmaps the boot flash. The
comment associated with the write noted that it was enabling the RTC and
Keyboard address locations, but the bits in question (1 and 0) are
reserved when the Winbond chip is in PowerPC mode. Also, the bits are 1
for enable, 0 for disable, therefore the original code was actually
disabling the address locations. The patch also corrects errors in the
definitions of 2 configuration bits in the Tundra Tsi107 bridge's MAPB
Options register.
Signed-off-by Randy Vinson <rvinson at mvista.com>
Signed-off-by Mark A. Greer <mgreer at mvista.com>
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