Which CAN driver to port to for PPC

Alessandro Rubini rubini at gnudd.com
Thu Dec 29 00:19:39 EST 2005


> The problem I see with Ocan is that it has a very different API than all the 
> others.

I know. When I started the project there only was one driver, and
it was already very complex. But it lacked the select method(now
poll), and had other serious design problems. So I started mine,
without advertising it.

Now I have a few happy users, and they want to keep my API in their
applications, so I'm stuck with it.

> I wonder how the port to SJA1000 will turn out, since I believe it
> would have to emulate some 82527-specific stuff, in order to offer a
> compatible API.

True, but the chip isn't _that_ different, actually.

> I am convinced though, that there should be a chip/card-independent
> API to the application-programmer, and that effort should be done to
> converge into the same direction.

Yes, that is how things should be, in an ideal world.

> So, wouldn't it be better to try to unite forces and at least offer
> similar API's, or even better, develop a standard linux CAN
> framework?

It would. Anyone willing to lead this effort? [no offence or humor
intended, I am interested in following it, but can't lead it myself]

Thanks for your comments

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