Transmit timeouts on 440GX Ocotea on 10baseT-HD network

Wade Farnsworth wfarnsworth at
Thu Dec 8 05:00:10 EST 2005

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 10:35, Eugene Surovegin wrote:
> Hmm, I think this should have been fixed in the latest 2.6. Check 
> that you tree has this patch:
> 	[PATCH] ibm_emac: fix graceful stop timeout handling
> It went in on 01 Dec. Although this fix assumed FDX operation for 
> timeouts, without collisions. Maybe I was too optimistic thinking that 
> nobody uses 10/HDX :).

That was my first thought as well, but I've tried it with the patch, and
still get the timeouts.

> Try making STOP_TIMEOUT_10 bigger, say twice as big.

That doesn't seem to help any.

> If this doesn't help, I'll send you patch with enables some additional 
> debugging, so I can check that stop you are experiencing is the same 
> problem I had last month.

Much appreciated.  Thanks!


Wade Farnsworth

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