what to use to connect to JTAG/BDM port on PPC405EP

Igor Marnat marny at rambler.ru
Fri Aug 5 21:11:05 EST 2005

Hello List!
Hope, it's not offtopic.
I have EVB based on PPC 405 EP (PPChameleon EVB). It has JTAG port.
What JTAG device can I use to connect to the board? I've found BDI2000
device, for example, but it costs as N times as the EVB does
(approximately). It seems unreasonable for me. Is it possible to make such a device or to find
find the cheaper one? We found several schemes of how to make connector BDM-parallel
port. Is it possible to do such a thing for PPC 405EP?

Igor Marnat
mailto:marny at rambler.ru

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