[PATCH] [RFC] workaround buggy dcbX instructions in 8xx

Joakim Tjernlund joakim.tjernlund at lumentis.se
Thu Apr 7 01:22:57 EST 2005

All cache instructions in 8xx are somewhat buggy as they
do not update the DAR register when causing a DTLB Miss/Error

This is a forward port of my workaround from 2.4 to 2.6 to fix this problem.
The patch tags DAR with a known value which is tested for in the DTLB Error handler.
If DAR matches the tag, a instruction decode routine is invoked for calculate the
faulting address. There are two verisons of the decode procedure which is controlled
by a #define. Read the patch and try different versions.

I have not tested this on 2.6 since I haven't ported our board
from 2.4 yet.


===== head_8xx.S 1.21 vs edited =====
--- 1.21/arch/ppc/kernel/head_8xx.S	2005-03-29 00:21:20 +02:00
+++ edited/head_8xx.S	2005-04-06 17:01:51 +02:00
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 #include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
 #include <asm/offsets.h>
+#define CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
 /* Macro to make the code more readable. */
 #ifdef CONFIG_8xx_CPU6
 #define DO_8xx_CPU6(val, reg)	\
@@ -41,6 +43,20 @@
 #define DO_8xx_CPU6(val, reg)
+#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
+/* These macros are used to tag DAR with a known value so that the
+ * DataTLBError can recognize a buggy dcbx instruction and workaround
+ * the problem.
+ */
+#define TAG_VAL 0x00f0	/*  -1 may also be used */
+#define TAG_DAR_R10 	\
+	li	r10, TAG_VAL;\
+	mtspr	SPRN_DAR, r10;
+#define TAG_DAR_R10
 	.globl	_stext
@@ -174,6 +190,7 @@
 	xfer(n, hdlr)
 #define EXC_XFER_TEMPLATE(n, hdlr, trap, copyee, tfer, ret)	\
+	TAG_DAR_R10;						\
 	li	r10,trap;					\
 	stw	r10,TRAP(r11);					\
 	li	r10,MSR_KERNEL;					\
@@ -214,6 +231,7 @@
 	mfspr r5,SPRN_DSISR
 	stw r5,_DSISR(r11)
 	EXC_XFER_STD(0x200, MachineCheckException)
 /* Data access exception.
@@ -227,6 +245,7 @@
 	stw	r10,_DSISR(r11)
 	mr	r5,r10
 	mfspr	r4,SPRN_DAR
 	EXC_XFER_EE_LITE(0x300, handle_page_fault)
 /* Instruction access exception.
@@ -252,6 +271,7 @@
 	mfspr	r5,SPRN_DSISR
 	stw	r5,_DSISR(r11)
 	EXC_XFER_EE(0x600, AlignmentException)
 /* Program check exception */
@@ -414,7 +434,13 @@
 	rlwimi	r10, r11, 0, 24, 28	/* Set 24-27, clear 28 */
 	DO_8xx_CPU6(0x3d80, r3)
 	mtspr	SPRN_MD_RPN, r10	/* Update TLB entry */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
+ #if TAG_VAL == 0x00f0 /* Save 1 instr. by reusing the val loaded in r11 above */
+ 	mtspr	SPRN_DAR, r11
+ #else
+ 	TAG_DAR_R10
+ #endif
 	mfspr	r10, SPRN_M_TW	/* Restore registers */
 	lwz	r11, 0(r0)
 	mtcr	r11
@@ -450,11 +476,20 @@
 	mfcr	r10
 	stw	r10, 0(r0)
 	stw	r11, 4(r0)
+ 	mfspr	r10, SPRN_DAR
+#ifdef  CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
+	/* If DAR contains TAG_VAL implies a buggy dcbx instruction
+	 * that did not set DAR.
+	 */
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, TAG_VAL
+	beq-	100f	/* Branch if TAG_VAL to dcbx workaround procedure */
+101:	/* return from dcbx instruction bug workaround, r10 holds value of DAR */	
 	/* First, make sure this was a store operation.
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_DSISR
-	andis.	r11, r10, 0x0200	/* If set, indicates store op */
+	mfspr	r11, SPRN_DSISR
+	andis.	r11, r11, 0x0200	/* If set, indicates store op */
 	beq	2f
 	/* The EA of a data TLB miss is automatically stored in the MD_EPN
@@ -473,7 +508,7 @@
 	 * are initialized in mapin_ram().  This will avoid the problem,
 	 * assuming we only use the dcbi instruction on kernel addresses.
-	mfspr	r10, SPRN_DAR
+	/* DAR is in r10 already */
 	rlwinm	r11, r10, 0, 0, 19
 	ori	r11, r11, MD_EVALID
 	mfspr	r10, SPRN_M_CASID
@@ -523,7 +558,13 @@
 	rlwimi	r10, r11, 0, 24, 28	/* Set 24-27, clear 28 */
 	DO_8xx_CPU6(0x3d80, r3)
 	mtspr	SPRN_MD_RPN, r10	/* Update TLB entry */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
+ #if TAG_VAL == 0x00f0 /* Save 1 instr. by reusing the val loaded in r11 above */
+	mtspr	SPRN_DAR, r11
+ #else
+ #endif
 	mfspr	r10, SPRN_M_TW	/* Restore registers */
 	lwz	r11, 0(r0)
 	mtcr	r11
@@ -561,6 +602,185 @@
 	. = 0x2000
+#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_DCBxFIXED
+/* This is the workaround procedure to calculate the data EA for buggy dcbx,dcbi instructions
+ * by decoding the registers used by the dcbx instruction and adding them.
+ * DAR is set to the calculated address and r10 also holds the EA on exit.
+ */
+//#define INSTR_CHECK /* define to verify if it is a dcbx instr. Should not be needed. */
+//#define NO_SELF_MODIFYING_CODE /* define if you don't want to use self modifying code */
+//#define DEBUG_DCBX_INSTRUCTIONS /* for debugging only. Needs INSTR_CHECK defined as well. */
+//#define KERNEL_SPACE_ONLY /* define if user space do NOT contain dcbx instructions. */
+	nop	/* A few nops to make the modified_instr: space below cache line aligned */
+	nop
+139:	/* fetch instruction from userspace memory */
+	DO_8xx_CPU6(0x3780, r3)
+	mtspr	SPRN_MD_EPN, r10
+	mfspr	r11, SPRN_M_TWB	/* Get level 1 table entry address */
+	lwz	r11, 0(r11)	/* Get the level 1 entry */
+	DO_8xx_CPU6(0x3b80, r3)
+	mtspr	SPRN_MD_TWC, r11	/* Load pte table base address */
+	mfspr	r11, SPRN_MD_TWC	/* ....and get the pte address */
+	lwz	r11, 0(r11)	/* Get the pte */
+	/* concat physical page address(r11) and page offset(r10) */
+	rlwimi	r11, r10, 0, 20, 31
+	b	140f
+100:	/* Entry point for dcbx workaround. */
+	/* fetch instruction from memory. */
+	mfspr	r10,SPRN_SRR0
+	andis.	r11, r10, 0x8000
+	tophys  (r11, r10)
+	beq-	139b		/* Branch if user space address */
+	tophys  (r11, r10)
+140:	lwz	r11,0(r11)
+/* Check if it really is a dcbx instruction. This is not needed as far as I can tell */
+/* dcbt and dcbtst does not generate DTLB Misses/Errors, no need to include them here */
+	rlwinm	r10, r11, 0, 21, 30
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, 2028	/* Is dcbz? */
+	beq+	142f
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, 940	/* Is dcbi? */
+	beq+	142f
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, 108	/* Is dcbst? */
+	beq+	142f
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, 172	/* Is dcbf? */
+	beq+	142f
+	cmpwi	cr0, r10, 1964	/* Is icbi? */
+	beq+	142f
+141:	b 141b /* Stop here if no dcbx instruction */
+	mfspr	r10, SPRN_DAR	/* r10 must hold DAR at exit */
+	b 101b			/* None of the above, go back to normal TLB processing */
+142:	/* continue, it was a dcbx instruction. */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8xx_CPU6
+	lwz	r3, 8(r0)		/* restore r3 from memory */
+	andis.	r10,r11,0x1f	/* test if reg RA is r0 */
+	li	r10,modified_instr at l
+	dcbtst	r0,r10		/* touch for store */
+	rlwinm	r11,r11,0,0,20	/* Zero lower 10 bits */
+	oris	r11,r11,640	/* Transform instr. to a "add r10,RA,RB" */
+	ori	r11,r11,532
+	stw	r11,0(r10)	/* store add/and instruction */
+	dcbf	0,r10		/* flush new instr. to memory. */
+	icbi	0,r10		/* invalidate instr. cache line */
+	lwz	r11, 4(r0)	/* restore r11 from memory */
+	mfspr	r10, SPRN_M_TW	/* restore r10 from M_TW */
+	isync			/* Wait until new instr is loaded from memory */
+	.space	4		/* this is where the add/and instr. is stored */
+	/* fill with some garbage */ 
+	li	r11,0xffff
+	stw	r11,0(r11)
+	bne+	143f
+	subf	r10,r0,r10		/* r10=r10-r0, only if reg RA is r0 */
+143:	mtdar	r10			/* store faulting EA in DAR */
+	b	101b			/* Go back to normal TLB handling */
+	mfctr	r10
+	mtdar	r10			/* save ctr reg in DAR */
+	rlwinm	r10, r11, 24, 24, 28	/* offset into jump table for reg RB */
+	addi	r10, r10, 150f at l	/* add start of table */
+	mtctr	r10			/* load ctr with jump address */
+	xor	r10, r10, r10		/* sum starts at zero */
+	bctr				/* jump into table */
+	add	r10, r10, r0
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r1
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r2
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r3
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r4
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r5
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r6
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r7
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r8
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r9
+	b	151f
+	mtctr	r11	/* reg 10 needs special handling */
+	b	154f
+	mtctr	r11	/* reg 11 needs special handling */
+	b	153f
+	add	r10, r10, r12
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r13
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r14
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r15
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r16
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r17
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r18
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r19
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r20
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r21
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r22
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r23
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r24
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r25
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r25
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r27
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r28
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r29
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r30
+	b	151f
+	add	r10, r10, r31
+	rlwinm. r11,r11,19,24,28	/* offset into jump table for reg RA */
+	beq	152f			/* if reg RA is zero, don't add it */ 
+	addi	r11, r11, 150b at l	/* add start of table */
+	mtctr	r11			/* load ctr with jump address */
+	rlwinm	r11,r11,0,16,10		/* make sure we don't execute this more than once */
+	bctr				/* jump into table */
+	mfdar	r11
+	mtctr	r11			/* restore ctr reg from DAR */
+	mtdar	r10			/* save fault EA to DAR */
+	b	101b			/* Go back to normal TLB handling */
+	/* special handling for r10,r11 since these are modified already */
+153:	lwz	r11, 4(r0)	/* load r11 from memory */
+	b	155f
+154:	mfspr	r11, SPRN_M_TW	/* load r10 from M_TW */
+155:	add	r10, r10, r11	/* add it */
+	mfctr	r11		/* restore r11 */
+	b	151b
 	.globl	giveup_fpu

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