FW: NPTL support on PPC32 (MPC5200) ?

Jim Freeman jfree at sovereign.org
Thu Oct 14 11:55:41 EST 2004

The attached script (wrapper/setup to crosstool.sh) gets me
a toolchain sufficient to build the default-config ppc kernel
(, NPTL, gcc-3.4.2, glibc-2.3.3).

It tweaks the patch Dan references below for a ppc-ism,
then adds a patch (thanks Google!) to mask an issue that
gcc-3.4.2 has with inline functions calling setjmp() ( see

The toolchain build fails near the end while linking
build-glibc/elf/sln with undefined references to
`_Unwind_Resume' and `__gcc_personality_v0' (which Google
hints is/was a popular problem, but I don't have time to
track it down).  In any case, 'sln' isn't needed for kernel
building, so it's good enough for me for now.


On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 08:29:58AM -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> to build NPTL, you need to apply 
> contrib/crosstool-0.28-rc34-nptl_fixes.patch
> Then see demo-x86_64-nptl.sh
> Enough people need this that I've been intending for two weeks to merge it 
> asap,
> but I haven't gotten around to it.
> That patch was only tested for x86, but ppc32 shouldn't be any
> harder, right? :-)
> - Dan
> Stephen Warren wrote:
> >Hi. I'm attempting to use your crosstool to build a NPTL capable GLIBC
> >and toolchain for a 32-bit PowerPC target.
> >Thanks for any pointers at all!
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Subject: NPTL support on PPC32 (MPC5200) ?
> >From: "Stephen Warren" <SWarren at nvidia.com>
> >My question is - can anybody tell me, or point me at a website that
> >definitively tells me:
> >
> >1) Is NPTL available on PPC at all? I assume so, since I found one of
> >the original announcement of NPTL, which mentions performance on a large
> >SMP PPC system.
-------------- next part --------------
set -x

# http://kegel.com/crosstool/
# http://sources.redhat.com/ml/binutils/2003-10/msg00448.html
# http://sources.redhat.com/ml/crossgcc/2004-03/msg00162.html
# http://sources.redhat.com/ml/binutils/2001-10/msg00186.html

## http://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/powerpc/ftp.linuxppc64.org/pub/people/janis/old/README.20040130
## http://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/powerpc/ftp.linuxppc64.org/pub/people/janis/old/glibc.patch.20040121 ;

[ ! -f  crosstool-0.28-rc37.tar.gz ] && \
	wget http://kegel.com/crosstool/crosstool-0.28-rc37.tar.gz || true

tar xzf crosstool-0.28-rc37.tar.gz

cd crosstool-0.28-rc37


## NPTL patch: when ARCH=ppc, dirname needs to be "powerpc"
## patch the patch ...

patch -p 0 <<HERE
--- contrib/crosstool-0.28-rc34-nptl_fixes.patch        2004/10/13 04:48:11    1.1
+++ contrib/crosstool-0.28-rc34-nptl_fixes.patch        2004/10/13 04:48:45
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 +        # will have to manually be copied from under the tree of the desired
 +        # target pthread implementation.
 +        cp \${GLIBC_DIR}/nptl/sysdeps/pthread/pthread.h \$HEADERDIR/pthread.h
-+        cp \${GLIBC_DIR}/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/\${ARCH}/bits/pthreadtypes.h \$HEADERDIR/bits/pthreadtypes.h
++        cp \${GLIBC_DIR}/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/\${ARCH/ppc/powerpc}/bits/pthreadtypes.h \$HEADERDIR/bits/pthreadtypes.h
 +        # On s390, powerpc and sparc we also require bits/wordsize.h.
 +        case \$TARGET in

# now apply the patch ...
patch -p 1 <  contrib/crosstool-0.28-rc34-nptl_fixes.patch

## gcc3.4.2 disallows setjmp() in inline functions:
## http://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/powerpc/ftp.linuxppc64.org/pub/people/janis/old/README.20040130
## then fixup to only use first part of patch (and doctor for "patch -p1") ...

( cd patches/glibc-2.3.3;
        wget http://mirrors.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/powerpc/ftp.linuxppc64.org/pub/people/janis/old/glibc.patch.20040121 ;
        ed glibc.patch.20040121 <<HERE

TARBALLS_DIR=`pwd`/..	\
TARGET=powerpc-8540-linux-gnu   \
TARGET_CFLAGS="-O -msoft-float -mno-string -Wa,-me500"  \
GCC_LANGUAGES="c"       \
GLIBC_EXTRA_CONFIG="--without-fp"       \
BINUTILS_DIR=binutils-2.15      \
GCC_DIR=gcc-3.4.2       \
GLIBC_DIR=glibc-2.3.3   \
LINUX_DIR=linux- \
        ./all.sh  --testlinux

	# now,
	#  cd build/powerpc-8540-linux-gnu/gcc-3.4.2-glibc-2.3.3/linux-
	# ( or wherever your kernel of interest lives )
	#  make V=1 ARCH=ppc CROSS_COMPILE=/work/src/crosstool-0.28-rc37/result/powerpc-8540-linux-gnu/gcc-3.4.2-glibc-2.3.3/bin/powerpc-8540-linux-gnu-

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