MPC5200 toolchain test

ivica at ivica at
Fri Nov 26 02:24:32 EST 2004


I have a MPC5200 based custom board with preloaded u-boot.
My job is to create some sort of development environment, build
linux kernel and userland environment and in the end test the hardware
before larger series are built.
So far I managed to create GNU toolchain for it with crostool from
Dan Kegel. Everything was built without any problems. Of course,
I wanted to test this toolchain so I wanted to compile a simple
hello_world program load it into the memory of my MPC5200 board
and run it. So far I've failed. I admit. I don't know how to compile
a program to run without the OS. But I have some clues. I think it
needs to be linked properly so all the things OS does for you are inserted
into the binary image that is supposed to get executed. I need some detail
understanding on this.

Anyhow I want to do this before I compile kernel. Since I'm talking
about the kernel let me ask you what kernel you suggest for MPC5200?
The latest 2.6.10-rc or the one Sylvain Munaut is maintaining?

Next ... I would like to create a development environment that is totally
"closed" from my system and I want all the crosstools in it. This way
I could ensure none of my native tools are conflicting with cross 
I keep hearing about jails and sanboxes but I don't know what they mean.
Ok maybe I really need to google it out here but I'm beat. I'm googling
three days already. :D
Any tips on creating these kind of environments would be greatly 

I will attach scripts which I used to create toolchain. I hope I did it 

My sources of documentation are google, IRC and these two books:
Building Embedded Linux, Karim Yaghmour
Programming Embeded Systems, Michael Barr

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