how to use the i2c in mpc5200

iida iida at
Thu May 27 23:47:34 EST 2004

i am using the linuxppc-2.4.25-denx and loaded
this modules

Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
i2c-icecube             1680   0 (unused)
i2c-algo-mpc5xxx        4048   0 [i2c-icecube]
i2c-core               18768   0 [i2c-algo-mpc5xxx]
when i loaded the i2c-icecube i recived the message

i2c-algo-5xxx.o: scanning bus Icecube I2C module #2 interface...
i2c-icecube.o: I2C module #2 installed

i created the i2c with
mknod /dev/i2c c 89 1

i am used the i2c-demo from bsp of the metrowerks
but i recived the message

*** Pass the write-string optionally as argument ***
/dev/i2c open: No such device
eeprom_read: Illegal seek
/dev/i2c open: No such device
/dev/i2c open: No such device
eeprom_read: Illegal seek

what am i doing wrong ?



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