[Fwd: Memory layout question]

Oliver Korpilla okorpil at fh-landshut.de
Wed May 26 18:37:46 EST 2004

Maybe the following logic for getting proper PCI addresses would work:

1.) Use stuff like pci_module_init() to find and register the Universe
device (using standard PCI functions to find the Tundra device).
2.) Determine its PCI bus from the pci_dev structure.
3.) Use the resource[] vector associated with that bus to request a set
of PCI addresses on that bus.

This should be portable and clean, and always return a set of proper PCI
addresses usable by the Tundra Universe, at least AFAIK from looking at
include/linux/pci.h and drivers/pci/pci.c.

Since you already use the PCI configuration word mechanism and device
IDs this shouldn't be too hard to adapt to.

What do you think?

With kind regards,
Oliver Korpilla

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