baud rate question

Brian Hawley bhawley at
Fri May 14 02:39:03 EST 2004

Forgive the obvious newbie question, but we've tried everything, reviewed
the readme's, etc.

We are using the linux-2.5-ocp tree from bk.

We are using u-boot 1.0.0.

We set u-boot to 38400 in the config.  linux wants to be 9600 by
default.  So, we realize
that we can't see the kernel boot up.

We've tried changing u-boot back to 9600, but haven't been able to.

Is there a way to tell linux to come up at a different baud rate?  We've
tried the earlyserialpk option, and the console options...but no luck.

Thanks for any assistance.

-- Brian

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