EDK 6.2 genace.tcl problem (solaris)

Andreas Weder andreas at lowtexx.de
Fri May 7 06:41:26 EST 2004

I'm trying to build a ace file to boot linux on a ml300-board. I have
the system.bit and the linux kernel  zImage.embedded.

Documentation told me to do this:
xmd genace.tcl -hw implementation/system.bit -elf zImage.embedded -board
ml300 -ace out.ace      

This doesn't work. Genace.tcl aborted with the message  that it can't generate
the svf-file for the kernel. (Doesn't work for smaller files like
hello_gpio.elf ...)
Problem is the xconnect command in genace.tcl. It does nothing (I don't
get any return value) and generation fails. I tried to exchange
xconnect with the (new?) ppcconnect command --> same result.
Why do I have to use xconnect/ppcconnect to generate a svf file from elf
Does the ML300 Board have to be connected to the computer I use to execute
genace.tcl? (Not possible in my case ...)

Board: ML300
OS: solaris 2.8
EDK: 6.2
PPC-Kernel: 2.4.18

Andreas Weder

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