Motorola 5200 MIPS

Mark Chambers mwchambers at
Tue May 4 03:33:06 EST 2004

> Then go back and read the archives. This has been  discussed  several
> times before.

An excellent idea.  Why didn't I think of that?  And to all of you fellow
nerds back there who also like to know how things work and why - bless your
heart.  Actually, I don't fully follow the explanations, but clearly the 603
core is not able to execute a single looped dbnz once per clock, so 263
BogoMIPS is a reasonable number for a 396MHz 5200.  The number does not have
anything to do with bus speed, which is part of what was bothering me (2 x
132MHz, you know).  I won't pester you all with this any more but if anybody
else wants to discuss further I'd welcome your emails  (not discuss BogoMIPS
necessarily, but details of 5200 performance - I've got some very
challenging requirements to hit and any insights will be welcome).

Mark Chambers

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