Problem with MMU again

Mikko Alutoin mikko.alutoin at
Sun Mar 28 00:05:04 EST 2004


I traced over the rfi-instruction for a reason: I was not able to break at start_kernel, but setting a breakpoint at start_here worked ok. Also, tracing over the rfi with a working kernel took me directly to start_kernel. So I thought MMU was to blame, but little did I know...

Thanks for the reply, I'll try your advice when I get back to work on Monday.

Cheers, Mikko

> You are chasing ghosts.  There is nothing wrong with the MMU
> initialization.
> There are just times during the initialization that the system and the
> BDI2000
> are not exactly in sync.  This is one of them.
> Let the code run, do some post-mortem debugging (like dumping out the
> console log buffer for starters).  Work backward from the failure
>  instead
> of trying to step into it (pun intended) :-)
> 	-- Dan

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