Configure tweaks for SystemACE without CONFIG_XILINX_OCP

Stephen Williams 612dlag102 at
Thu Jun 17 00:46:34 EST 2004

Travis B. Sawyer |PPC Linux Embedded| wrote:
> Steve:
> I'm working on getting sysace to come up on our custom hw.
> Where did you put the definitions that the driver code needs, eg:
> #define XPAR_SYSACE_0_BASEADDR		0xe8100000
> #define XPAR_SYSACE_0_HIGHADDR		0xe8100FFF
> #define XPAR_SYSACE_0_DEVICE_ID		160
> #define XPAR_INTC_0_SYSACE_0_VEC_ID	51  /* UIC1:20, IRQ9 */
> #endif
> Am I way off base with these?  I dropped them in my board specific
> header file...  Or, should I be using:
> #define XPAR_SYSACE_0_BASEADDR		0x0000000148100000ULL
> #define XPAR_SYSACE_0_HIGHADDR		0x0000000148100FFFULL

First, you'll need the attached sysace-without-virtexii patch, which
has not been pushed to the linuxppc-2.4 tree yet. This fixes some
V2PRO dependencies when XILINX_OCP is activated.

I started by editing the file platforms/xilinx_ocp/xparameters.h:

===== arch/ppc/platforms/xilinx_ocp/xparameters.h 1.1 vs edited =====
--- 1.1/arch/ppc/platforms/xilinx_ocp/xparameters.h	2003-03-12 08:35:10 -08:00
+++ edited/arch/ppc/platforms/xilinx_ocp/xparameters.h	2004-06-10 13:53:02 -07:00
@@ -16,3 +16,7 @@
  #if defined(CONFIG_XILINX_ML300)
  #include "xparameters_ml300.h"
+#if defined(CONFIG_JSE)
+#include "xparameters_jse.h"

The CONFIG_JSE is for my board. I then added the xparameters_jse.h
file next to the xparameters_ml300.h that has the pertinent values
for my system. I've attached mine as a working example.

I also edited the arch/ppc/ so that the right defines
are enabled:

===== arch/ppc/ 1.69 vs edited =====
--- 1.69/arch/ppc/	2004-03-25 16:39:48 -08:00
+++ edited/arch/ppc/	2004-06-10 14:29:58 -07:00
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
  	 CPCI405	CONFIG_CPCI405 		\
  	 EP405/EP405PC	CONFIG_EP405 		\
  	 405EP-eval	CONFIG_EVB405EP		\
+	 JSE		CONFIG_JSE              \
  	 Oak		CONFIG_OAK 		\
  	 Rainier	CONFIG_RAINIER		\
  	 Redwood-4	CONFIG_REDWOOD_4 	\
@@ -321,6 +322,11 @@
      define_bool CONFIG_405GPR y
      define_bool CONFIG_BIOS_FIXUP y
      define_bool CONFIG_IBM_OPENBIOS y
+  fi
+  if [ "$CONFIG_JSE" = "y" ]; then
+    define_bool CONFIG_405GPR y
+    define_bool CONFIG_XILINX_OCP y

    if [ "$CONFIG_EBONY" = "y" ]; then

This activates CONFIG_XILINX_OCP when I config the JSE board,
and that allows the XILINX_SYSACE to be selected. From here,
make sure CONFIG_XILINX_SYSACE=y in your .config and you are

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at XXXXXXXXXX           But I have promises to keep,
http://www.XXXXXXXXXX         and lines to code before I sleep,       And lines to code before I sleep."
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Name: sysace-without-virtex.patch
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Name: xparameters_jse.h

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