Hardware interrupts routines

Bret Indrelee Bret.Indrelee at qlogic.com
Wed Jun 16 23:49:35 EST 2004

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, [Windows-1252] Garcia Jérémie wrote:
[ nnip ]
> The only hardware interrupts routine I found through my investigations
> is the request_irq(...). But the problem is that request_irq do not
> allow me to pass an argument to the handler... So is there a routine
> that allows it or is there a way to adapt the request_irq() to my case.

The last parameter of request_irq() gets passed as the second parameter
to the interrupt routine when it is called.


Bret Indrelee                 QLogic Corporation
Bret.Indrelee at qlogic.com      6321 Bury Drive, St 13, Eden Prairie, MN 55346

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