Compiling assembler file with ppc_405-gcc
Kerl, John
John.Kerl at
Sat Jun 12 02:55:29 EST 2004
No Wolfgang, read it again: he is running ppc_4xx-gcc. It's in a
variable named $(AS), but he is running the C compiler. It is
reasonable to expect #include and #define statements to work --
after all, the Linux build does this all the time! As does the
u-boot build:
$ cd /opt/gx/u-boot
$ make
ppc_4xx-gcc -Wa,-gstabs -D__ASSEMBLY__ -g -Os -fPIC -ffixed-r14 -meabi
-D__KERNEL__ -DTEXT_BASE=0xFFF80000 -I/opt/gx/u-boot/include -fno-builtin
-ffreestanding -nostdinc -isystem /opt/eldk/usr/lib/gcc-lib/ppc-linux/2.95.4/include
-pipe -DCONFIG_PPC -D__powerpc__ -DCONFIG_4xx -ffixed-r2 -ffixed-r29 -mstring
-Wa,-m405 -mcpu=405 -msoft-float -DCONFIG_440=1 -c -o init.o
The gentleman has a legitimate request.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-linuxppc-embedded at
> [mailto:owner-linuxppc-embedded at]On Behalf
> Of Wolfgang
> Denk
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 9:26 AM
> To: Garcia Jérémie
> Cc: linuxppc-embedded at
> Subject: Re: Compiling assembler file with ppc_405-gcc
> In message
> <85E6ED5B5EC32F439702305CC417E12D9E2A78 at> you wrote:
> >
> > To compile this, I use the following lines in a makefile:
> ...
> > ppcsiafn.o:
> > $(AS) $(CFLAGS_AS) -c
> $(SRC_PATH)/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s -o ppcsiafn.o
> ...
> > After a lot of tests, here are my conclusions: the
> different "#include" are not considered by the compiler.
> Indeed, I tried to introduce compilation errors in the
> different ".h" files --> no difference in the result
> You don't call a compiler. You just run the assembler. The assember
> does nothing else but assemble your code. It does NOT include things
> like running a preprocessore or so.
> > So I guess that but I don't know why : the character "#" is
> understood as a comment (equivalent to /* ...*/).
> Maybe you want to check assembler syntax?
> > To conclude : is there a specific compil option to give to
> gcc for it to understand the #include command?
> "gcc" does know how to run a preprocessor. But you're not
> running "gcc",
> you're running "as" only.
> > I checked the different linux assembler file and the
> #include is used. So why am I not able to use it?
> Because your build rule is inappropriate for what you want to do?
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
> --
> Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
> Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87 Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88 Email: wd at
> Generally speaking, there are other ways to accomplish whatever it is
> that you think you need ... - Doug Gwyn
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