Compiling assembler file with ppc_405-gcc
Garcia Jérémie
Sat Jun 12 02:28:25 EST 2004
Hi everybody,
although I'm a newbie in Linux developement and even more in LinuxPPC development, I have to work on a Linux PPC assembler based application.
In order to achieve this, I need to compile an assembler file (ppcsiafn.s) which now gives nightmares ...
Below this line you can dicover this file:
This module contains chip-dependent routines written in assembly language.
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <asm/processor.h>
#include <asm/cache.h>
#include <asm-ppc/ppc_asm.h>
.globl sidma_AsDmaRegSet_F
.globl sidma_AsDmaRegGet_F
.globl AsfnDmapolGet
[etc... ]
* sidmai_AsDmaRegSet_F(reg, val) --> Set specified "reg" with value "val"
* Return : N/A
* void sidma_AsDmaRegSet_F(uLong reg, uLong val)
mflr r5
bl next_inst
mflr r6
add r6,r6,r3
addi r6,r6,20
[etc... ]
To compile this, I use the following lines in a makefile:
AS = ppc_405-gcc
CFLAGS_AS = -gdwarf -mcpu=405 -mstrict-align -nostdinc -fvolatile -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -P -x assembler - D__KERNEL__ -DCPU=PPC405 -DPRJ_BUILD $(ALLINCLUDE) -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/services/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/ascii/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/hdwctl/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/core/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/hscx/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/basic/enet/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/eq/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/pzm/include -I$(SRC_PATH)/startup/init -I$(SRC_PATH)/startup/maint -O0 -DEQ_CODE
$(AS) $(CFLAGS_AS) -c $(SRC_PATH)/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s -o ppcsiafn.o
nb: don't worry the CFLAGS_AS is on a single line in my makefile
All that things to get the following compilation result:
$> make all
/home/jgarcia/Desktop/kernel/ssc/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s: Assembler messages:
/home/jgarcia/Desktop/kernel/ssc/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s:83: Error: unsupported relocation against r5
/home/jgarcia/Desktop/kernel/ssc/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s:86: Error: unsupported relocation against r6
/home/jgarcia/Desktop/kernel/ssc/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s:87: Error: unsupported relocation against r6
/home/jgarcia/Desktop/kernel/ssc/startup/init/ppcsiafn.s:87: Error: unsupported relocation against r6
After a lot of tests, here are my conclusions: the different "#include" are not considered by the compiler. Indeed, I tried to introduce compilation errors in the different ".h" files --> no difference in the result
If I suppress the # in the #include --> the compiler tells me that is not a valid op code
So I guess that but I don't know why : the character "#" is understood as a comment (equivalent to /* ...*/).
To conclude : is there a specific compil option to give to gcc for it to understand the #include command?
I checked the different linux assembler file and the #include is used. So why am I not able to use it?
Thanks for your help !
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