Problem of concurrency in arch/ppc/8260_io/uart.c

Joakim Tjernlund joakim.tjernlund at
Thu Sep 18 01:22:32 EST 2003

> Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
> > I am taking a stab at my_console_write() as well. I have something that works well
> > for me, but i am unsure if I have broken KGDB/XMON support.
> You better check it.  The reason for all of the complexity in there is to
> support that.  Lots of time was spent making kgdb/xmon work correctly, and
> to break it or toss it away would kinda piss me off.

Yes, so much I already figured :). I am trying to get it right. Care to test KGDB/XMON
when i am done?
> > ....In my new my_console_write()
> > I must know the length of the TX buffer in the TXBD.
> Why?

I don't want to disable interrupts for every char transmitted. I therefore fill
the TX BD as much as possible and that is why I need to know the length of the TX buffer.

> > ...But what is the TX buffer length before serial_console_setup has run(that's
> > when KGB/XMON is active)?
> Whatever the boot rom initializes.

OK, then I will assume TX buffer length of 1, until serial_console_setup has run and
initialize it to 4.


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