SDRAM mirroring problem

VanBaren, Gerald (AGRE) Gerald.VanBaren at
Tue Nov 18 04:25:36 EST 2003

Well, an uninformed response may be better than no response???  Here goes...

I don't understand how your hardware is set up.

a) Are you connecting the two 64Mbyte chips in parallel as a 32 bit
wide data bus (this is implied by your use of one chip select). This is
contradicted by your statement "My problem is that when i write some
word in first RAM chip is mirrored in the other RAM chip.And Effectivly
i m able to use only 64 MB of RAM." which implies that the two chips are
expected to be sequential in memory address space.

b) If you are connecting the two chips up sequentially as 64MB by 16
bits wide on the data bus, you need separate chip selects with the first
one providing the first 64MBytes of decoded address space and the second
one the second 64MBytes.

Cheap ASCII art:

a) +----+----++----+----+ 00000000
   |    |    ||    |    |
   |    |    ||    |    |
   +----+----++----+----+ 03FFFFFF
      chip0      chip1

b) +----+----+ 00000000
   |byt2|byt3| chip0
   |    |    |
   +----+----+ 01FFFFFF
   +----+----+ 02000000
   |    |    |
   |    |    | chip1
   |    |    |
   +----+----+ 03FFFFFFF


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anil Giri [mailto:anil at]
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3:54 AM
> Subject: SDRAM mirroring problem
>   My board uses SAMSUNG K4S511632M SDRAM in 8M * 16 bit * 4 banks
> configuration (13 rows & 10 columns).Two such chips are used to get
> 128 MB and uses CS1 for chip select.My board uses MPC852T processor.
> MPC to SDRAM configuration is as follows:
> ======================
> A29 :A0
> A28 :A1
> A27 :A2
> A26 :A3
> A25 :A4
> A24 :A5
> A23 :A6
> A22 :A7
> A21 :A8
> A20 :A9
> GPL_A0 : A10
> A18 :A11
> A17 :A12
> A6 :BA0
> A5 :BA1
> GPL_A5 :WE
> =====================
> My problem is that when i write some word in first RAM chip is
> mirrored in the other RAM chip.And Effectivly i m able to use only 64
> MB of RAM. What could be the problem??? Following SDRAM settings are
> used
> IMMR:0xff000000
> OR1: 0xf8000e00
> BR1: 0x00000081
> MSTAT:0x00000400
> MAMR: 0x80a06114
> MAR: 0x88
> MCR:0x80002105

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