Linux boot args with PReP image

Gary Thomas gary at
Sat Nov 1 18:57:40 EST 2003

Ashwin Bihari said:
> Greetings,
> I'm using a PrPMC800 with Motorola's PPC7-BUG> to boot Linux. I've got a
> working kernel and everything works fine. I've used the default boot args
> of: console=ttys0,9600 console=tty0 root=/dev/hde2 noinitrd.
> This, of course, means that if we decide to change the location of root, or
> more appropriately decide to have two separate roots between which we would
> have switch back and forth, I'll have to recompile the kernel with the new
> string and then put that onto the PReP partition.
> What I would ideally like to do is have a Linux: prompt appear after I boot
> into the PReP partition to allow me to have a default string and then change
> it if I decided to chagne root on the fly..
> Has anyone done anything similar or have any tips for me?

This is SOP for the embedded boards.  Look at arch/ppc/boot/embedded for
some guidelines on how to do it.

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