debugging using BDI2000 on MPC860

Peter Barada pbarada at
Tue Jun 17 01:27:08 EST 2003

>I don't know how to interprete this but it always stops with the following status:
>    Target state      : debug mode
>    Debug entry cause : machine check interrupt
>    Current PC        : 0x00000100
>    Data  address     : 0x00000000
>    DSISR value       : 0x00000000

>From this you can see that the BDI stopped processing at address 0x100
(Current PC) because of a machine check (Debug entry cause).  You
should check the values of srr0/srr1, etc to determine why it took the
machine check.

Peter Barada                             Peter.Barada at
Wizard                                   781-852-2768 (direct)
WaveMark Solutions(A Motorola Company)   781-270-0193 (fax)

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