Problem in booting the linux

Rakesh jagota j.rakesh at
Sat Jun 14 22:20:45 EST 2003

Hi all,
I am working on custom design board based on IBM405 PPC. I am using OpenBios
code and Linux -2.4.17 version from montavista. I am downloading the os image
using serial port. After downoading the image, I am getting the follwoinbg


opps... out of memory
opps... out of memory
Now booting the kernel

And after this it stops.

In the openbios bootcode we r initializing the

RAM_BANK_0		0x02000000   (address)
RAM_BANK_0_SIZE       0x00000000

RAM_BANK_1		0x00000000   (address)
RAM_BANK_1_SIZE       0x02000000

We r not using the RAM_BANK_0 in the bootcode.

we think when loading the kernel it is taking the size of RAM_BANK_0

Can anyone suggest me how to resolve this problem. I am using 4MB flash.
We have connected 32 MB of sdram in sdram_controller_0 and we have
disable sdram_controller_1.

Can anyone helpme out to sort  out this issue.

Thanks & Regards,


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