8xx SCC's as uart

Steven Scholz steven.scholz at imc-berlin.de
Thu Jul 17 21:16:11 EST 2003

Eli Brin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have noticed, in kernel 2.4.20, that SCC1 and SCC4 cannot be configured as
> uarts.
> Also, the configuration for RTS,CTS,DCD and DTR are missing.
> Comparing 8xx_io/uart.c file to the 2.4.4 version of uart.c shows that all
> the code to support the above has been removed, although both show driver
> 0.3.
> Our target will use all SCC's as uarts with hardware handshake. So I will
> need to put this back into uart.c and the config.in files.
> Is there a reason for this feature (SCC1 and SCC4 as uarts are part of the
> 8xx ability) being removed ?

They haven't been removed! This feature just never made it into the
official BitKeeper tree.

Have a look at linuxppc_2_4_devel in the DENX CVS. Especialy between
the labels LABEL_2003_03_11_2045 and LABEL_2003_03_11_2055!

BTW: Make sure you understood the "hardware handshake" done by the
MPC8xx! MPC8xx CTS/RTS have a different meaning than you might expect
when dealing with real UARTS! Basicly the only support flow control in
one direction! So a device can throttle the MPC. But the MPC can _not_
stop the device from sending more!

Hope this helps.


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