JFFS2 on the Host

Steven Scholz steven.scholz at imc-berlin.de
Thu Apr 17 23:27:41 EST 2003


> it's ok. But How can I make a full Binary Image of my
> flash partition (good size) on my host and after
> transfer it on the target at the right
> place with my loader (u-boot for example) ??

I am not sure if I understand your question. But if you want to know
how to create a flash image that you can burn onto your target then my
answer will be:

1. Create a root file system directory structure on your host.
    (e.g. use SELF from www.denx.de)
2. Run mkfs.jffs2 on this directory (make sure you use the correct
endianess) to create the flash image
3. Burn the resulting image onto your target using BDI2000 or U-Boot...

Hope this helps!


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