thttpd and CGI on MPC 850

Srini Amble samble at
Thu Apr 3 06:23:33 EST 2003

Pardon me for posting this message to this mailing list ( it does not quite
belong here)

I have "thttpd" (version 2.23beta1) running on my MPC850 board. When I submit
a "FORM" which in turn invokes a CGI program (written in C) the console
output freezes and I get the error "An error occurred while loading" on the browser window. The board is
alive because I can ping the board. I can execute the CGI program on the
shell without any problem. I would appreciate any wisdom from the community
at large which will help me in debugging this problem.

BTW, Identical set of "thttpd", CGI program, and HTML pages works fine on an
x86 RH 7.3 host.

Thanks in advance
Srini Amble

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