How to configure 2 ethernet devices

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Thu May 16 04:31:28 EST 2002


in message <3CE28613.8090206 at> Dan Malek wrote:
> The purpose of IP-Config is to provide a minimal network configuration
> as to allow a network booting feature.  It will not completely initialize
> a network environment suitable for little more than the NFS connection itself.

...but it comes in very handy for embedded systems  that  don't  need
the  overhead  (memory  footprint) for tools like ifconfig and route.
And for most simple configurations (where you just  need  to  set  IP
address, netmask, and default router) it is completely sufficient.

> > IP-Config: Got RARP answer form, my address is
> >
> > I guess this is to the eth0 interface.
> The IP-Config sends requests on all configured interfaces and accepts the
> first one that replies.

You can restrict the chioce of interfaces  by  using  an  "ip="  boot

> You need to run the real user-land network configuration scripts and utilities
> to properly configure a network on any system.  It should also be done even
> when you are using IP-Config and network booting.

Ummm... what for? I never do this, and the systems are  just  working
fine.  I  never  saw any deficiency in the IP autoconfiguration stuff
(except that it doesn't accept more than one "ip=" option, so we  can
configure only one interface that way). What am I missing?

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
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