Linux w/o disk, network, or ROM

John W. Linville linville at
Wed May 8 03:08:58 EST 2002

"Jeffrey W. Daugherty" wrote:

> I've tried setting ROOT_DEV to MKDEV(RAMDISK, 0) in setup.c
> and cmdline argument "root=/dev/ram".
> Does anyone have any suggestions?  What might be missing either
> in kernel configuration or platform_init()?  Help!

Are you sure that the kernel is recoginzing your command line
parameters?  It should echo them out in an earlier boot message.

My guess is that you have a mistake somewhere in passing the command
line parameters to the kernel, leaving the kernel unable to find it's
root fs.  YMMV... :-)


P.S.  Another possibility is that your initrd image isn't getting
uncompressed correctly or to the correct location...
John W. Linville
LVL7 Systems, Inc.

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