Unable to locate request_8xxirq() !

Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Thu May 2 02:50:48 EST 2002

In message <200205010949.g419nPI11057 at localhost.localdomain> you wrote:
>    I am unable to locate request_8xxirq() function in the 2.4.18 source code.

You shoudl install an update of "grp" on  your  system,  it  must  be
broken if ir doesn;t find the definition in the kernel sources..

> Can anyone tell me where is this function located and what does it do ?
> I  did a search in "lxr.linux.no" , but still i was not able to locate the
> function it is invisible  :( .


#if (defined(CONFIG_8xx) || defined(CONFIG_8260))
/* Name change so we can catch standard drivers that potentially mess up
 * the internal interrupt controller on 8xx and 8260.  Just bear with me,
 * I don't like this either and I am searching a better solution.  For
 * now, this is what I need. -- Dan
#define request_irq     request_8xxirq
#elif defined(CONFIG_APUS)
#define request_irq     request_sysirq
#define free_irq        sys_free_irq

Next question, please...

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at denx.de
You can observe a lot just by watching.                  - Yogi Berra

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