SPI Driver

Jeremy Rosen Jeremy.Rosen at au.thalesgroup.com
Thu Mar 14 10:09:58 EST 2002

I plan to,
but right now it is too incomplete for release. ( no support for
multiple SPI device, no multithreading protection etc...)
moreover, I am working with a development board which has no SPI
device, so it has been tested only in loopback mode (the real board
we're developing should be available soon. )

just leave me a couple of weeks to work on it, and I'll send it to

>>> sdfg sdfg <boppuri_navin at yahoo.com> 03/14/02 09:55am >>>
Hello Jeremy,

Would you be nice enough to put those drivers on some
site and send that link to everyone on the mailing
list? Thanks.


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