Debug kernel ELF using SDS single-step debugger

Scott Anderson scott_anderson at
Thu Mar 14 09:22:51 EST 2002

Leiying Du wrote:
> When I run the kernel ELF, I always get this error message "Couldn't find
> 4096 bytes at 4096 alignment". It's printed out in  __initfunc(void *
> find_mem_piece(unsigned size, unsigned align)).   ( The kernel runs Ok from
> the flash memory.) Does anyone know the reason? Should I initialize the MMU
> with the debugger? Thanks.

My guess is that you haven't setup a board info struct so the
bi_memsize is uninitialized.  This can cause the system to think that
no memory is available so anything that tries to get memory fails.

    Scott Anderson
    scott_anderson at   MontaVista Software Inc.
    (408)328-9214               1237 East Arques Ave.       Sunnyvale, CA  94085

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