Trivial cleanup in ocp_uart.c

David Gibson david at
Fri Jun 28 10:59:08 EST 2002

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:23:41AM -0700, Scott Anderson wrote:
> David Gibson wrote:
> > Eek, wibble.  It still seems somewhat unlikely to me that you'd be
> > changing the peripherals "on the fly" in a real life embedded
> > application.  Especially considering that reboots are likely to be
> > much less of an issue on an embedded system than on a big server.
> My contrived example is a piece of test equipment that has an LCD
> touchscreen and some high speed serial collection device.  The LCD is
> only used when interacting with the UI and the serial is only used
> during a run when the LCD can be blank.  By reprogramming part of the
> FPGA on the fly you can squeeze more into a smaller FPGA.  It appears
> that Xilinx already has this working:
> I guess I wouldn't be quite so quick to dismiss this as unlikely, but
> I must admit, my crystal ball is in the shop this week.  It sure would
> be nice to keep such things in mind as OCP is evolving, though.

Heh, well, maybe.  In any case this sounds more like a 2.5 and later
timerframe thing to me, in which case integration into the unified
device model should give us what's needed.

David Gibson			| For every complex problem there is a
david at	| solution which is simple, neat and
				| wrong.  -- H.L. Mencken

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