Can I run Linux without a file system?

Tim Lai laitingwai at
Sat Jun 22 05:35:17 EST 2002

Thanks, Jason.
I am new to linux kernel. I'll have the main
application run from init(), so I wasn't planning
to have a file system.

> Yes. You will always have SOME kind of filesystem.
> But this begs another
> question. How much do you know about Linux, and what
> are you really asking?

If /proc and /dev is not really on any disk, what do
I have to do to init or create /dev? Do I need ramdisk
as a minumum requirement for linux?
My main goal right now is to get the serial port
to work, so I can do some debugging with the dumb
terminal. After I do tty_register() in the serial
driver, does linux assign /dev/ttyS to this device?

> The /proc filesystem is not really on any disk, just
> like /dev (I think)
> isn't on any disk, though they look like to us users
> that they are
> filesystems.

Can you give me pointers on which file to read?

> Does this help?

Yes. Thank you very much. :)

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