Basics -- what tools for Walnut?

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Thu Jun 6 05:16:33 EST 2002

In message <3CFE4C3A.4070604 at> you wrote:
> I think I'm missing a basic concept here -- I'm about to do some work on
> a Walnut system, so  I started by loading up the HardHat Linux that came
> with the Walnut onto my intel desktop, then grabbing the
> linuxppc_2_4_devel kernel via rsync.  When I try to compile, gas startes
> to complain about "unknown option '-m405'".
> So, is there a patch I should be applying before building the
> cross-compile environment, or a specific set of tools somewhere, or what
> am I missing?

Have a look at our ELDK, see

We support a couple of 405 boards (although the walnut is not one  of

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
"Faith: not *wanting* to know what is true."    - Friedrich Nietzsche

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