eth0 : time out ....error

전혜영 hychon at
Thu Feb 28 12:14:39 EST 2002


I have the problem when I get/recevie data of over 100 kbytes size
If I send a small size data , it's trance success
but big size data is fail and print following messages

why not transmit the big size data(over 100kbyte)??

help me  and thanks for your answers!!

===  LOG message  =============

1) small size data

sh-2.03# ftp pc

Connected to pc.
220 ProFTPD 1.2.1 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) []
Name (pc:root): hukim
331 Password required for hukim.
230 User hukim logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

ftp> get btd
local: btd remote: btd
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for btd (27545 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
27545 bytes received in 0.017 secs (1.6e+03 Kbytes/sec)

 ==========================================================> "success"

2) big size data

ftp> get bt.o
local: bt.o remote: bt.o
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for bt.o (138660 bytes).
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: transmit timed out.
Ring data dump: cur_tx c1f70078, dirty_tx c1f70078 cur_rx: c1f70038
 tx: 8 buffers
  c1f70040: 1c00 0042 01f714be
  c1f70048: 1c14 0042 01f71dbe
  c1f70050: 1c00 0042 01f71bbe
  c1f70058: 1c0c 0042 01f716be
  c1f70060: 1c00 0042 01f71cbe
  c1f70068: 1c04 0042 01f715be
  c1f70070: 1c00 0042 01f71ebe
  c1f70078: 3c24 0042 01f717be
 rx: 8 buffers
  c1f70000: 8800 0446 01f6f000
  c1f70008: 8800 0446 01f6f800
  c1f70010: 8800 0446 01f6e000
  c1f70018: 8800 0446 01f6e800
  c1f70020: 8800 0446 01f6d000
  c1f70028: 8800 0446 01f6d800
  c1f70030: 8800 0446 01f6c000
  c1f70038: a800 0446 01f6c800
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: transmit timed out.
Ring data dump: cur_tx c1f70078, dirty_tx c1f70078 cur_rx: c1f70008

 ( ... )
 ===========================================================> fail

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