starting with Linux on EST SBC8260 (getting a little OT)

Clayton, Mark mark.clayton at
Fri Feb 15 08:25:15 EST 2002

> Langus Matevz RDHW_EXT wrote:
> > I would like to ask you, how much effort would it be
> required to get Linux
> > running on EST SBC8260. Since this is a very widely used
> board, probably a
> > lot of peope have already ported Linux on it.
> I ported it a long time ago.  It's part of the kernel sources.  Don't
> try to use the EST tools, though.  I don't know if they have
> a boot rom
> for that board yet, but I suspect you can flash PPCBoot with
> the EST tools
> and then throw them away.
> >
> > Is there a step-by-step guide what should be
> compiled/installed/done to get
> > it running?
> I don't know if the MontaVista Journeyman kits are around
> anymore, but it
> was supported and documented in there.
> You could also search the PPCboot (and these) archives for
> information.
> The board was more popular a couple of years ago when it was
> one of the
> first ones around.  Lots of other, easier to use boards are
> available now,
> for less money.  My EST boards became non-functional long
> ago, and they are
> on the scrap heap.

What boards are people using these days then?  I'm in need of a
new PPC board with 2 or more ethernet interfaces.  Unfortunately,
I need a board that has VxWorks and OSE BSPs as well.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks,

> Good luck.
> 	-- Dan

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