How Do I: Make My Own /root file system

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Wed Dec 18 06:02:46 EST 2002

In message <DB0585C9F6F9D411BE8F00D0B7896A4CC05F40 at SNCMAIL> you wrote:
> I just finished getting a basic bash shell running on my embedded PPC
> platform using a standard RAM file system from
> Are there any instructions on line as to how I would go about making my own
> RAM FS? ... most online info seem to point to commercial distro's ... and I
> wouldn't mind learning the do's and don'ts for my self.

There is the our SELF (Simple Embedded Linux  Framework)  package  at  ,  and there is the SELF
RPM in our ELDK which is where the tarball you're using  comes  from.
You  can  download  the  build script (especially the SELF.spec file)
from our CVS server.

> In the mean time I will keep dogging for information.

There is more projects of "Linux on a flopy disk"  than  I  can  name
here. They all can be used as a starting point.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
You can observe a lot just by watchin'.                  - Yogi Berra

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