Regarding consistent_alloc

Matt Porter porter at
Sat Dec 7 02:54:19 EST 2002

On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 03:18:21PM +0200, Pantelis Antoniou wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone tell what is the deal with these functions?
> consistent_alloc et. al. are very useful to me now that I'm
> cleaning up my QMC driver. But they are exported.
> Is there any reason why they are not exported for use by
> modules?

They are exported in the development trees I use, linuxppc_2_4_devel
and linuxppc-2.5.

> Also they appear to be tied to the PCI bus, a reduntant
> dependancy IMHO.

How so?  consistent_alloc/consistent_free are independent of pci bus.
Use those.  pci_* are, by definition, pci-specific and only exported
on PCI-based systems.

Matt Porter
porter at
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

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