4 bit LCD interface on 823e not working

Hihn Jason JasonHihn at DANFOSS.com
Tue Aug 27 05:12:06 EST 2002

As you probably can guess I'm trying to get this Optrex display working.
Well I've finally scoped it out, and I can't find the cause (or solution to)
my problems.

When I write the following nibbles for display, I get these bit patterns out
of the pins and on screen:
0: 1111
1: 1010
2: 0111
4: 0100
5: 1011
8: 0100
A: 0110
F: 1101

There seems to be no rhyme or reason, at least I don't have a clue. The bits
are all clocked in parallel, 4 at a time. Can any please help?
I'm digging in the 823e book for any registers that may need to be changed.

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