Question about ppc4xx_dma.h

Todd Poynor tpoynor at
Thu Aug 22 08:17:42 EST 2002

Noticed that the order of clearing the old transfer mode bits and
setting the p_dma_ch->mode bits is reversed in the new patch, not sure
if this causes problems:

+       tmp_cntl |= (p_dma_ch->mode | DMA_CH_ENABLE);
+       switch (dmanr) {
+       case 0:
+               control = mfdcr(DCRN_DMACR0);
+               control |= tmp_cntl;
+               control &= ~(DMA_TM_MASK | DMA_TD);     /* clear all
mode bits */

This seems to set and then clear the p_dma_ch->mode bits in control
prior to writing to the DMACR, a problem?


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